Sat 04 Jan
What Have YOU Been MISSING??? Let ME Show YOU... Passion, Attention, Gratification!! 24/7 - 38
Sweet-n-N@ughty! Super Sexy All Natural Blonde Visiting! $100 Last Day Special - 33
(Austin, North Austin on I 35 between 183 &downto;)
•♥• Stunning, Sophisticated, Sexy and Super NA•♥•ghty •♥• Visiting Upscale Incall - 33
(Portland, Downtown PDX Private Incall)
Tired of girls with their face cut off or pixelated??? CLICK on REAL PICS! LUXURY Companion - 21
(Seattle, Outcalls all night)
M Y ✰ M O U T H W A T E R I N G ✰ J U I C Y__F R U I T - 26
Beware! ____________ FAKE PICS ____________ RIP OFF_____________ "Nuru Massage" - 28
(Seattle, Bellevue, Seatac , renton, kent FAKE PIC)
♥M_ o _ n _ i_ C_a ♥ D_i_O_r (WATCH OUT FOR FAKES) ♥ - 22
(Santa Barbara, 510-927-1227 FAKE # DO NOT CALL)
*¨¨*:. ღ .:*¨¨* Gorgeous Puertorican Playmate*¨¨*:. ღ .:*¨¨* - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, SanJose Please Call Now 408-551-9017)
WOW - Only 1 OO Incall Specials -- ☆ _____ Sexy Green eYes ☆ _____ Burbank☆ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, B U R B A N K)
COME & ENJOY the.3 sexy hot nenas in whittier nice service open 24.hour Real pic - 22
The asian sweetast girl is in Town let's meet to have fun LAX - 28
(Inglewood / Hawthorne, L A Xtorrance//hermosa /Manhattan beach/, Los Angeles)
RaInY dAy SpEcIaLs... **GoInG fAsT** tight and wet waiting for u.. - 21
(Los Angeles, 405freeway/ready right now/in calls only)
I Got Some High Quality CHOCOLATE for your VANILLA - 29
(Los Angeles, LA-LaBrea-Culver City-WLA-LAX)
🌹✳★Alex➜✳🌹✪★((❤❤) ▫★▫ 💞💋°Sexy💋🌟🎀4243762180 call me baby👅 🎀⭐🌸🌸·ߒ 💯ReaL🌺🌺 pic - 22
(Long Beach, Los Angeles)
☆ xXx ☆ ♥ ViSiTiNG {Beautiful} ♥ ;☆ xXx ☆ - 20
LONDON*🔥-Upscale Tiffany🌺💎 -C.u.M Play Baby🍭💦 InCalls&OutCalls; (647)491-2474 - 22
(London, Wonderland Rd N.)
780-809-5597📞📞📞New Hottie in town ! Gorgeous ! Sweet Girl Nexxt Door - 22
(London, Wellington Rd South)
💞💯💞Good Morning💞💎Top of the Line💎 🎀 One of a Kind🎀 💥Call Me Now Available 24/7!💥 - - 23
(Kenosha, Kenosha / Racine)
warning ~*~*~ThE SEXIEST WoMaN ArIzOnA HaS eVeR SeEN~*~*~ - 23about - 23
(Prescott, Flagstaff, Sedona)
WhAtEvEr ShE CaN Do (( I CaN Do BeTTeR )) ThE BeSt Of ThE BeSt (( cLiCk HeRe )) - 19
Madison is a Thief = Took the money and ran ======== Thief ==========Took the money and ran = Thief
(madison is fake and a thief)
young sexy chocolate treat .. specials all night! and i have two sexy friends - 19
(Phx North, I-17 and Dunlap)
We're back and ready to get U fellas off the right way!! - 19
(Phx North, I-17&Bell;/NrthPHX/INcalls/OUTcalls)
*¨¨*-:¦: SUPER *-:¦:-* SEXY *-:¦:-* PETITE *-:¦:-* LATINA -:¦:*¨¨80 special - 19
(Phx North, downtown scottsdale rd)
💟💟💟SPECIALS ✔, Mixed✔,BEAUTIFUL ✔Vixen 💟💟💟💟 Call For The Time Of Your Life 💟💟💟💟 - 22
(East Valley, Phoenix, tempe - chandler)
————————— —— █► SEXY LATINA PLAYMATE HERE ◀█ ——————— ——— outcall all night YES !!! - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, near airport)
***** Page wants to Please you Perfectly!! **** EAST VALLEY OUTCALL AVAILABLE NOW!!! - 30
(East Valley, Incall-Dobsoin & 60 Outcall-Anywhere!)
NEW SEPT PICS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highly Reviewed - Swedish Blonde with DDD's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BRAND NEW SEPT PICS - 38
(Central/South Phoenix, Central Phoenix, Biltmore)
Morning specials Right NOW... W/ Gorgeous Mixed Mami Mistress Mariah Mandalay XoXo CALL ME - 20
(East Valley, tempe to scottsdale)
Took the money and ran ======== Also not the girl in the picture ==========Took the money and ran
(madison is fake and a thief)
♥ F U N ★ FLAWLESS ★ B U S T Y ★ BLONDE ★ B E A U T Y ♥ - 30
{ =CAUTiON=} °HoT.©° {=HoT=} °looking 4 °you o&©°{ bLoNnd) out call only - 36
(East Valley, gilbert 85233 and e mesa)
-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- T H I S - 22
(west side)
👇 Better Than ➹Her➹ 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷ And ➹Her➹ 👆 Don't Believe Me❓You Be The Judge - 19
(Phx North, Your place)
*New* Asian Mila Tequila !! DD Cup INCALL or OUTCALL available 6-cl at Courtesan Escorts - 22
💋💣💥HIGHLY SKILLED💥💣WELL reviewed 👅💦DT QUEEN 💥caramel beauty👑💎 - 26
(Hamilton, West Hamilton/ Hamilton downtown)
°★ °o© {GORG3OUS} °o© {CHOCOL@TE CO-ED} °o© {Stellar Reviews} °o© °★° 6O SPEC!AL - 20
(Akron/Canton Residential Incall)
_____________ ♥ IMPOSSIBLE TO FORGET ♥ ___________ *THE BEST*__________ 7OSPECIAL - 23
(Northern Virginia, STERLING incall only Dulles ID:175879)
•**•-:¦:-•* YoUr # 1 Tyte Hoooottt Blondie Here Limited T!m3 •**•-:¦:-•* - 23
(Jersey City, North Jersey, Secaucus INCALL only)
§w€€† §€xxY freaky EBONY **wi†h** very NaUgH†Y In†€n†iOn§ *@* $100special-In call only - 23
(North Jersey, Irvington/ Hillside/ Newark in call only)
ATTENTION!!!! May Cause RAPID Heartbeat , SHORTNESS of Breath, and the Occasional DAAAAAAAAAAMNNN ! - 29
(Detroit, Southfield)
Seeing Is BELIEVING-Hot Chocolate Girlfriend With LARGER Than LIFE BOOBS Highly REVIEWED Visiting! - 25
(North Jersey, Parsippany/Whippany/Hanover/Last Day!)
Seductive Stimulating playmate Available NOW! DONT miss Out! - - 24
(North Jersey, Elizabeth /Near airport)
ABSOLUTE ———————— SEXY ——— GORGEOUS —=— GIRL————— SO0 ——— S—E—X—Y —————————— - 22
$100hh CAUTION!! $100hh ..CONTENTS will get yoU *PULL* *IT OUT* *RIGHT* *NOW $100hh - 19
50$special NEW iN ToWN! specials RaVE ReViEwS! YoUR SoUTheRn FReAk! BIG BOoTy FeTisH??? - 21
(North Jersey, Airport, Elizabeth, Belleville, meadow)
2 girls special at the same time you me and my girl some crazy shitttt for new year - 25
(North Jersey, outcalls delivery callme super sexy)
2 Girls 💥👯👯🔲👯👯🔲👯💥 Double The Pleasure && Fun💥👯👯🔲👯👯🔲👯💥 2 for 1 💥👯👯🔲👯👯🔲👯💥🔲 - 25
(Elizabeth, ELIZABETH / NEWARK / Airport rt 1&9 inn, North Jersey)
Up to 7am! 2 (( Hot )) sexy (( IRISH )) busty BLONDES! (out calls only!) - 30
(Northern Virginia, VA/DC/MD)
WELL REVIEWED thursday Cadillac incall - 23
(cadillac in and outcalls surrounding, Northern Michigan)